

We are a company dedicated to supplying ultrapure water for analytical equipment in Blood Banks, and Biochemistry and Urology laboratories

We are focused on providing solutions specially designed for the Laboratory and Blood Bank sector. 

We have more than 18 years of experience in water treatment technologies and specialize in high-quality laboratory analyzer equipment.

At WISOLAB we anticipate purity and generate trust in each service


Wisolab was founded on July 4, 2014, after a previous and extensive experience that began in 2002.

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We are supported by

Our passion for water, our special dedication to the purification process that comes from the accumulated experience of more than 15 years in the laboratory water purification industry; In addition, the good practices used in the maintenance of our purifying equipment and, mainly, the knowledge of the different physical-chemical characteristics of drinking water supplied to hospitals and laboratories located in the three regions of our national territory. This way, our purifying equipment provides services to 80% of Peru.


More than 15 years of experiencie in the sector.


Bringing ultrapure water to 80% of Peru.


Providing ultrapure water to around 200 clinical laboratories nationwide.

Values ​​and Principles

Values: Adaptation, Transparency, Vitality, Creativity and Innovation
Principles: Trust, Learning and Communication


Be the leading source of ultrapure water and reliable reliable allies to laboratories   in Latin America


To optimize the efficiency of laboratories, maximizing resources with rental Wisolab deionizers to guarantee high quality results


Places we have reached

We are present throughout Peru and part of Latin America:

At WISOLAB we use and practice the Japanese work methodology 'The 5S'

A system designed to ensure risk prevention (integrity) in the workplace, provide efficiency, cleanliness, improve productivity and increase quality.